Edentulism is most often the result of repeated tooth extraction from combined pathological process and/or dental trauma. Dental implants have emerged to be a highly successful and predictable treatment modality for replacement of missing teeth. Dental implants are the devices that are surgically inserted into the jaw bone to support a single prosthetic tooth and serve as abutments or as cosmetic replacements for missing teeth. Timing of implant placement following tooth removal may be important and this concept has challenged the original treatment protocol. This article aims to present two case reports of immediate placement of implant.
Devorah et al Survival of immediately provisionalised dental implants placed immediately into fresh extraction sockets, J periodontal 2007; 78: 219-223
Paolantonio et al Immediate implantation into fresh extraction sockets: a controlled clinical and histological study in man. J Periodonto12001; 72: 1560-1571
Gian Peitro Schincaglia et al Surgical treatment planning for the single unit implant in aesthetic areas. Periodontology 2000 2001;27: 162-182
Christoph et al Consensus statement regarding the placement of implants in extraction sockets Int J Oral Maxillofac Implant 2004; 19(supple) 26-29.
Grunder et al A 3 year prospective multicentre followup report on the immediate and delayed-immediate placement of implants. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implant 1999; 14:210-216
Barzilay I et al Immediate implantation of pure titanium implants into extraction socket of Macaca fascicularis Part-! Int J Oral Maxillofac Implant 1996;11: 299-310
Barzilay I et al Immediate implantation of pure titanium implants into extraction socket of Macaca fascicularis Part-II Int J Oral Maxillofac Implant 1996;11: 489-497.
Rosenquint B, Grenthe B. Immediate placement of implants into extraction sockets: implant survivial. lnt J Oral Maxillofac Implant 1996;10: 561-567
Schropp et al Bone healing following immediate and delayed implant placement of titanium implants into extraction sockets: prospective clinical study. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implant 2003; 18:189-199
Mayfield L. Immediate, delayed and late submerged and transmucosal implants. In Lang NP Proceedings of third European workshop on Perio: implant dentistry Quintessence 1999; 520-534.