Keywords :
Chamfer, Fracture resistance, Overcontour preparation, Tooth fragment reattachment
Citation Information :
Agrawal A, Punia SK, Kumar Y, Kushwaha S, Sharma D. Fracture Resistance of Reattached Teeth: In Vitro Evaluation of Various Reattachment Techniques. 2024; 12 (3):145-149.
Aims and background: Fragment reattachment remains a preferred conservative treatment, offering a balance between esthetic recovery, patient satisfaction, and functionality. Understanding the reattachment technique options helps clinicians provide the best care tailored to individual cases.
Materials and methods: Thirty permanent maxillary central incisors were mounted in acrylic resin and divided into 3 groups (n = 10) based on reattachment methods: Group A (Control), group B (Chamfer), group C (Overcontouring). Standardized crown fractures were simulated and reattached using a light-curable flow able composite. The specimens were stored, thermocycled, and tested for fracture resistance.
Results: Intact teeth (Control) showed the highest fracture resistance (372 ± 17.45 N). Among reattached teeth, overcontouring (295.9 ± 24.00 N) performed best, followed by Chamfer (170.2 ± 28.39 N).
Conclusion: None of the reattachment techniques matched the fracture resistance of intact teeth. Overcontouring yielded the best results, while the Chamfer technique is not recommended due to its low fracture resistance.
Clinical significance: By understanding the strengths and limitations of various reattachment techniques, clinicians can make informed decisions to optimize both functional and esthetic outcomes for patients with anterior tooth fractures.
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