Dental Journal of Advance Studies

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VOLUME 2 , ISSUE 2 ( May-August, 2014 ) > List of Articles

Original Article

A Survey of Irrigation Practice among Dental Practitioners in Himachal Pradesh

Damanpreet, Saurav Miglani, Babita Karda, Palvi Sarangal

Keywords : Dental Practitioners, Irrigant, Sodium Hypochlorite

Citation Information : Damanpreet, Miglani S, Karda B, Sarangal P. A Survey of Irrigation Practice among Dental Practitioners in Himachal Pradesh. 2014; 2 (2):80-83.

DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1671990

License: NA

Published Online: 12-05-2023

Copyright Statement:  NA


Aim: The purpose of this study was to determine current trends in irrigation practice among the practicing dentists in Himachal Pradesh. Methodology: A self prepared questionnaire comprising of 15 questions was e-mailed to 1970 members of the State Dental Council of Himachal Pradesh. The information gathered was the individual irrigant selection, irrigant concentration, smear layer removal, and use of adjuncts to irrigation. Results: A total of 544 replies were evaluated thus making the response rate of 27.6% for the study. Our data indicated that 38% of respondents primarily use sodium hypochlorite, with 61% of them using it at a concentration >5.0%. Only 21% of respondents aimed to remove the smear layer during endodontic treatment with only 7% using an adjunct to irrigation. Antibacterial activity was rated as the most important reason while selecting an irrigant. Conclusion: In spite of the crucial nature of the irrigation step in the endodontic therapy, the results of the study were not very satisfying especially when it comes to the use of adjuncts or newer irrigating systems. Thus there is need to regularly update and gauge the practices adopted by dental practitioners in the state.

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