Dental Journal of Advance Studies

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VOLUME 2 , ISSUE 2 ( May-August, 2014 ) > List of Articles

Original Article

Effect of High Temperature on Composite as Post Endodontic Restoration in Forensic Analysis-An In Vitro Study

Krishma Sharda, Varun Jindal, Ajay Chhabra, Damanpreet, Dilpreet

Keywords : Composite, Forensic analysis, Incineration

Citation Information : Sharda K, Jindal V, Chhabra A, Damanpreet, Dilpreet. Effect of High Temperature on Composite as Post Endodontic Restoration in Forensic Analysis-An In Vitro Study. 2014; 2 (2):84-90.

DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1671991

License: NA

Published Online: 12-05-2023

Copyright Statement:  NA


Aim: The present study was done to evaluate and compare the effect of different temperatures (400 C, 800 C and 1000 C) on Composite as post endodontic restoration using Naked eye, Digital camera and Radiovisiography (RVG) in forensic analysis. Methodology: An in vitro study was conducted on 42 human teeth with composite as post endodontic restoration exposed to three temperature ranges: 400°C, 800°C and 1,000°C. Results: Composite material studied in the present research offered great resistance to high temperatures, without exhibiting considerable macrostructure variation, in such a way that physical changes (dimensional stability, fissures, cracks, fractures, texture, color, carbonization and incineration) can be identified and associated to each specific temperature range. Conclusion: Dental tissues and materials offer great resistance to the effect of high temperatures. Moreover, they present specific changes (color, texture, fissures, cracks fractures, fragmentation) which might contribute to the process of identifying a corpse, or burned, incinerated or carbonized human remains.

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