Dental Journal of Advance Studies

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VOLUME 2 , ISSUE 3 ( September-December, 2014 ) > List of Articles

Original Article

Comparison of Anti-Bacterial and Anti-Inflammatory Properties of Neem, Curcumin and Aloe Vera in Conjunction with Chlorhexidine as an Intracanal Medicament — an In-Vivo Study.

Samta Khetarpal, Abhishek Bansal, Navneet Kukreja

Keywords : Aloe vera, Curcumin, Chlorhexidin, Neem, Peptone Agar, Robertsons Cooked Meat Media

Citation Information : Khetarpal S, Bansal A, Kukreja N. Comparison of Anti-Bacterial and Anti-Inflammatory Properties of Neem, Curcumin and Aloe Vera in Conjunction with Chlorhexidine as an Intracanal Medicament — an In-Vivo Study.. 2014; 2 (3):130-137.

DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1671999

License: NA

Published Online: 12-05-2023

Copyright Statement:  NA


Aim & Objective: The main aim of this study was to evaluate the potential of Neem, Curcumin and Aloe vera as an effective intracanal medicament in root canal therapy of infected teeth and to determine the antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties of these three herbal substances used in the study. Material and Method: In this study, thirty three patients(33) within the age group of 25-40 years with two single rooted anterior teeth, presenting with periapical radiolucency requiring endodontic therapy were selected. These 33 patients were divided into two groups, in which one was the test and another was control in one single patient. The control samples were taken from all the 33 patients i.e (33 samples) in which chlorhexidine is used as intracanal medicament, whereas the test groups were divided into another three respective groups with 11 samples in each group on the basis of three herbal intracanal medicaments used in this study. The antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory property was assessed in our study using the microbial colony count method and the Visual analogue pain scale method respectively. Results: Test Group A(Neem) showed the highest antibacterial activity with maximum reduction in microbial colony count scores. and the test Group B(Curcumin) showed the highest anti-inflammatory activity with maximum reduction in the VAS pain score. On comparing test groups with control group and antimicrobial property was analyzed. The results were statistically non-significant when Group A(Neem) was compared with Control group(Chlorhexidine) and statistically significant when Group B(Curcumin) and Group C(Aloe vera) was compared with Chlorhexidine.

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