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Lata P, Chhabra A, Jindal V, Damanpreet, Thakur AK. In-Vivo Clinical Evaluation of Regenerative Endodontics in Immature Necrotic Permanent Teeth with Open Apex. 2015; 3 (1):26-33.
Introduction: This study was conducted to evaluate clinical and radiographic findings induced by revascularization with and without platelet-rich plasma (PRP).
Methods: Twenty patients with nonvital, immature anterior teeth were randomly categorized into 2 groups. Subsequent to minimal instrumentation of the root canal, disinfection was achieved with ledermix paste and followed by revascularization with and without PRP in groups 1 and 2, respectively. The cases were followed up clinically and radiographically at 6- and 12-month intervals.
Results: Clinically, all cases were asymptomatic with complete resolution of signs and symptoms (except four cases which were considered as dropout). Radiographically, there was no significant difference in periapical healing, apical closure, and dentinal wall thickening in group I in comparison with group II. However, root lengthening was comparable for both of the procedures.
Conclusions: Revascularization is a conservative and an effective method for inducing maturogenesis in nonvital, immature teeth. Supplementations with PRP can potentially improve the desired biological outcome of this regenerative procedure.
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