Dental Journal of Advance Studies

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VOLUME 3 , ISSUE 1 ( January-April, 2015 ) > List of Articles

Original Article

To Determine the Functional Efficacy of Led Units in Various Clinical Offices

Kamal Nabhi, Ajay Chhabra, Varun Jindal, Damanpreet

Keywords : Composite, LED, Wavelength, Polymerisation

Citation Information : Nabhi K, Chhabra A, Jindal V, Damanpreet. To Determine the Functional Efficacy of Led Units in Various Clinical Offices. 2015; 3 (1):34-38.

DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1672011

License: NA

Published Online: 10-05-2015

Copyright Statement:  NA


Aim: Light units used for polymerization of resin composites are subject to deterioration with age, and frequent maintenance is required to maintain optimal efficacy. The aim of this study was to examine the efficacy of LED units in private dental offices in Baddi (H.P) for polymerization of resin composites. Materials and Methods: Twenty dental offices met all selection criteria and agreedto participate in the study. To measure light intensity, an analogue radiometer was used. The probe of each LED unit was placed and then measurements of light intensities were recorded for each light unit and the data was statistically analysed. Results: The light intensity of the individual units varied widely. The results revealed that there was error of 35% and a standard deviation of 155.76 among the intensities of various LED Units checked in the study. Conclusions: Light polymerization units in private dental offices displayed a wide rangein light intensity, and many had below-recommended levels. A positive linear relationship was found between light intensity and photoactivation effectiveness. Dentists should regularly monitor the condition of light units and replace deteriorating parts.

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