Dental Journal of Advance Studies

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VOLUME 4 , ISSUE 2 ( May-August, 2016 ) > List of Articles


Periodontal Microsurgery and Microsurgical Instrumentation: A Review

Kawaldeep Kaur Kang, Deepak Grover, Viniti Goel, Sumit Kaushal, Gurpreet Kaur

Keywords : Magnification, Microsurgery, Microsurgical Instruments

Citation Information : Kang KK, Grover D, Goel V, Kaushal S, Kaur G. Periodontal Microsurgery and Microsurgical Instrumentation: A Review. 2016; 4 (2):74-80.

DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1672050

License: NA

Published Online: 11-09-2016

Copyright Statement:  NA


Increasing surgical refinement of procedures to meet both biologic and esthetic demands of patients is seen in today's periodontal practice. For these new technologies, instruments, and surgical techniques are necessary. Technical skills of the clinician are challenged by the limit of range of visual acuity. Periodontal microsurgery improves the outcome of basic periodontal surgical procedures by enhancing normal vision through magnification along with favorable lighting system. It gives enhanced outcomes not possible with traditional macrosurgery in terms of passive wound closure and reduced tissue trauma. The purpose of this review is to provide brief knowledge of periodontal microsurgery: the role of magnification, microsurgical instrumentation and applications of microsurgery.

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