Dental Journal of Advance Studies

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VOLUME 4 , ISSUE 3 ( September-December, 2016 ) > List of Articles


Efficacy of Anterior Bite Plane in Class II Deep Bite Case - A Case Report

Shweta Dixit, Garima Gupta, Pooja Sharma, Sameer Gupta

Keywords : Anterior bite plane

Citation Information : Dixit S, Gupta G, Sharma P, Gupta S. Efficacy of Anterior Bite Plane in Class II Deep Bite Case - A Case Report. 2016; 4 (3):201-203.

DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1672070

License: NA

Published Online: 20-01-2017

Copyright Statement:  NA


Aims and Objectives: Deep bite is one of the common malocclusion which has a varied of etiologies; this case report includes correction of deep bite with help of anterior bite plane. Materials and Methods: One post pubertal patient of age 15 years with proclined maxillary incisors with class II skeletal and class II molar treated with fixed orthodontic appliance with anterior bite plane. Results: It resulted in favorable skeletal and dentoalveolar changes. Midlines were coinciding, molars were in class I relationship and smile was improved. Conclusion: Using anterior bite plane corrected class II deep bite in patient, corrected lip trap and proclined maxillary incisors.

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