Wheat Grass refers to the young grass of the common wheat plant, Triticum aestivum that is freshly juiced or dried into powder for animal and human consumption. Both provide chlorophyll, amino acids, minerals, vitamins, and enzymes. Wheat grass is a humble weed known as the powerhouse of nutrients and vitamins for the human body. In the form of fresh juice, it has high concentrations of chlorophyll, active enzymes, vitamins and other nutrients. The present review article focuses onto the use of wheatgrass in various disease conditions. It has shown potential anti inflammatory, anti oxidant and anti ageing property Since very few clinical studies have been done on this very promising herbal drug, efforts are needed to conduct extensive studies on the wheat grass both in experimental models and human subjects to develop wheat grass therapy with no side effects in prevention, cure and management of chronic diseases for which our modern systems have lost their hopes.
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