Dental Journal of Advance Studies

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VOLUME 5 , ISSUE 3 ( September-December, 2017 ) > List of Articles


Measuring Implants Stability—A Review

Isha Badalia, Manjit Kumar, Salil, Ramandeep

Keywords : implant stability, implant stability quotient, periotest, resonance frequency analysis

Citation Information : Badalia I, Kumar M, Salil, Ramandeep. Measuring Implants Stability—A Review. 2017; 5 (3):105-111.

DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1672092

License: NA

Published Online: 18-12-2017

Copyright Statement:  NA


Achieving and maintaining implant stability are prerequisites for a dental implant to be successful. Implant stability can be defined as the absence of clinical mobility, which is also the suggested definition of osseointegration. Primary implant stability at placement is a mechanical phenomenon that is related to the local bone quality and quantity, the type of implant, and placement technique used. Secondary implant stability is the increase in instability attributable to bone formation and remodeling at the implant–tissue interface and in the surrounding bone. There are many ways in which the implant stability can be evaluated such as clinical measurement of cutting resistance during implant placement, reverse torque test, and the periotest. This article aims to throw light on the various methods to determine implant stability.

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