Dental Journal of Advance Studies

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VOLUME 6 , ISSUE 2--3 ( September-December, 2018 ) > List of Articles


Maxillary Protraction in an Adolescent Female Patient: A Case Report

Satyajit A Tekade, Satyajit Ashok Tekade, Sachin C. Sarode, Vishal Patni, Vihang Naphde

Keywords : growth modulation, class III malocclusion, tandem appliance

Citation Information : A Tekade S, Tekade SA, Sarode SC, Patni V, Naphde V. Maxillary Protraction in an Adolescent Female Patient: A Case Report. 2018; 6 (2--3):118-121.

DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1675250

License: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

Published Online: 02-11-2018

Copyright Statement:  © 2018 Bhojia Dental College and Hospital affiliated to Himachal Pardesh University


Tandem appliance is preferred over face mask mainly because of compliance reasons. In the given case report, clinicians have used tandem appliance for correcting skeletal class III malocclusion patient in later stage of growth. Operators utilized residual growth. Facial harmony was achieved by gaining positive overjet. Adolescent class III malocclusion is challenging to treat. Occurrence of class III malocclusion is just 5% in India. If patient reports in growing stage, clinicians get many relevant treatment options. Lack of knowledge about growth modulation therapy causes loss of growing stage of patients. This situation reduces available treatment modalities. Here is a case of female patient with class III malocclusion who is near completion of her growth; maxillary growth was stimulated in forward direction taking anchorage from overgrown mandible with the help of tandem appliance.

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