Dental Journal of Advance Studies

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VOLUME 9 , ISSUE 2 ( May-August, 2021 ) > List of Articles

Original Article

Comparative Study for Microleakage in Three Retrograde Materials for Filling Root End—Biodentine, Mineral Trioxide Aggregate, and Portland Cement: An In Vitro Preliminary Study

Shagun Bhatia, Ankush Jain, Kanu Jain, Atul Kumar Bishnoi

Keywords : Biodentine, microleakage, mineral trioxide aggregate, Portland cement, retrograde filling material

Citation Information : Bhatia S, Jain A, Jain K, Bishnoi AK. Comparative Study for Microleakage in Three Retrograde Materials for Filling Root End—Biodentine, Mineral Trioxide Aggregate, and Portland Cement: An In Vitro Preliminary Study. 2021; 9 (2):66-69.

DOI: 10.1055/s-0041-1726671

License: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

Published Online: 06-08-2021

Copyright Statement:  © 2021. Bhojia Dental College and Hospital affiliated to Himachal Pradesh University.


Introduction Insufficient seal of apex is a significant reason for an endodontist's disappointment. The materials for root-end filling utilized ought to forestall departure of possible pollutants into periapical areas. The objective of this analysis was to compare the fixing capacity of three materials: white mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA), white Portland cement (PC), and Biodentine. This was analyzed through a test checking for dye leakage. Materials and Methods Thirty human teeth having one root were subjected to instrumentation followed by gutta-percha obturation. An apical pit was readied for the material. The tooth samples were then grouped into three trial bunches: Group I, Biodentine; Group II, white MTA; and Group III, white PC. Root-end pits in the test bunches were loaded-up with the exploratory materials. The tooth samples were kept in India ink for a duration of 72 hours. The degree of color infiltration was estimated with the help of a stereomicroscope at 16× amplification. Color entrance was observed in the whole root in vitro. Results The sequelae of this inspection found that Biodentine shows least leakage compared to MTA and PC. Conclusion Biodentine shows less microleakage compared to MTA and PC.

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