Although the correlation between the ABO blood group and certain systematic diseases is a well-documented fact. Few studies have explored the relationship of ABO with oral disorders including periodontal diseases (PD). This literature review aimed to assess the possible association between ABO blood grouping and PD. For this purpose, we searched online databases like PubMed and google scholar with the following terms in different combinations PD, ABO blood groups, gingivitis, the prevalence of periodontitis, aggressive periodontitis, risk factors of periodontitis, Association of PD and ABO, ABO Rh factor. English version papers describing the Oral health status are covered through research that includes clinical investigations, case studies, and retrospective studies on the subject. Historic reviews, articles with unpublished data, and letters to the editors were omitted from the survey following publications. The author thoroughly checked the titles and abstracts of the papers. The complete text was thoroughly assessed, and the relevant articles were analyzed in accordance with qualifying criteria. For further original and review research, references were further reviewed. Since our targeted subject was answered by a restricted number of original research. We identified fourteen articles describing the association of ABO blood types with PD. findings of our study concluded the genetic basis of the association of ABO blood types for the development of PD. six of the research provided here showed that the blood type O can serve as a prognostic factor for the development of PD. ABO blood types and Rhesus factors can be a risk predictors in the development of PD.
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