Dental Journal of Advance Studies

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VOLUME 9 , ISSUE 3 ( September-December, 2021 ) > List of Articles

Original Article

Evaluation of the Effect of Various Antioxidants on the Shear Bond Strength of the Composite Resin to the Bleached Enamel: An In Vitro Study

Somya Jain, Neetu Jindal, Renu Agarwal, Ajisha Raju, Shallu Bansal

Keywords : antioxidants, bleached enamel, shear bond strength

Citation Information : Jain S, Jindal N, Agarwal R, Raju A, Bansal S. Evaluation of the Effect of Various Antioxidants on the Shear Bond Strength of the Composite Resin to the Bleached Enamel: An In Vitro Study. 2021; 9 (3):133-137.

DOI: 10.1055/s-0041-1736264

License: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

Published Online: 25-10-2021

Copyright Statement:  © 2021. Bhojia Dental College and Hospital affiliated to Himachal Pradesh University.


Objective Various intrinsic and extrinsic stains cause discolored teeth, which is of great concern to patients, which can be treated by bleaching, enamel microabrasion, veneers, and crowns. However, bleaching leads to reduced bond strength if adhesive restorations are performed immediately. Thus, the application of antioxidant agents after bleaching has been recommended, which are proved to act as free radical scavengers, improving the bond strength. Materials and Methods A total of 120 extracted human maxillary incisor teeth were taken. Using a slow-speed diamond saw and a water coolant spray, the roots of all the teeth were removed approximately 2 mm below the cementoenamel junction. With the labial surface facing upward, each sectioned sample was embedded in the acrylic resin. Then, the central portion of the embedded tooth was ground flattened with 600-grit silicon carbide paper such that the labial enamel surface becomes smooth and evenly flat. All 120 samples were divided into two control groups (n = 20), i.e., positive control group (n = 10) and negative control group (n = 10) and five experimental groups (n = 100), such that each experimental group had 20 samples. The enamel surface in both the control groups and groups treated with antioxidants was thoroughly rinsed off with distilled water for 30 seconds and subjected to bonding procedure. Result Significant differences were observed among the experimental groups (p < 0.05). The samples that were treated with 10% sodium ascorbate (group III) demonstrated significantly higher mean shear bond strength than the other experimental groups (p < 0.05).

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