Dental Journal of Advance Studies

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VOLUME 9 , ISSUE 3 ( September-December, 2021 ) > List of Articles

Original Article

Influence of Bone Quality on the Use of Implant Prostheses with Intermediate Pontic: Three-dimensional Finite Element Method

Marcelo Bighetti Toniollo, Andrea Sayuri Silveira Dias Terada, Jair Pereira de Melo Júnior, Cláudio Rodrigues Rezende Costa, Diogo Henrique Vaz de Souza

Keywords : fixed partial denture, finite element analysis, bone-implant interface

Citation Information : Toniollo MB, Terada AS, de Melo Júnior JP, Costa CR, de Souza DH. Influence of Bone Quality on the Use of Implant Prostheses with Intermediate Pontic: Three-dimensional Finite Element Method. 2021; 9 (3):151-156.

DOI: 10.1055/s-0041-1739508

License: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

Published Online: 23-11-2021

Copyright Statement:  © 2021. Bhojia Dental College and Hospital affiliated to Himachal Pradesh University.


Objective The present study aimed to observe the differences in the dissipation of the main minimum stresses with the use of a fixed pontic partial prosthesis supported by two regular length implants in cortical and medullary bone tissues of different qualities. Materials and Methods Experimental groups were as follows: QI (two regular length implants with fixed pontic partial prosthesis and bony qualities consistent with type I), QII (identical to QI, with bony qualities consistent with type II), and QIII (identical to QI, with bony qualities consistent with type III). All the groups were developed and analyzed in virtual simulation environment using AnsysWorkbench software. Results The results showed highest stress concentrations in the region of the turns of the implants, especially in the apical region surrounding the implants and most notably in those positioned in the posterior region, supporting the molars. In addition, comparing the cortical bone among the groups, the results revealed increasing levels of stress in the order of QI, QII, and QIII. Comparing the medullary bone among the groups, the results revealed increasing levels of stress in the order of QIII, QII, and QI. Conclusion It was concluded that greater stress disparity occurred in the comparison between groups QI and QIII. There was a higher TMiP in QI in the cortical bone, but considering the literature values, it would not pose risks to its physiological limits. The use of a pontic fixed partial prosthesis on two regular implants of type III bone quality may cause unfavorable physiological repercussions for the posterior implant apical medullary bone.

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