Dental Journal of Advance Studies

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VOLUME 1 , ISSUE 1 ( January-April, 2013 ) > List of Articles


Effect of Prior etching on Bond Strength of Self-Etch adhesive in case of Sensitive Teeth treated with CPP-ACP.

Suruchi Chaudhary Tayal, Jaidev Dhillon, Abhishek Tayal

Keywords : dentin hypersensitivity, self-etch adhesive, CPP-ACP

Citation Information : Chaudhary Tayal S, Dhillon J, Tayal A. Effect of Prior etching on Bond Strength of Self-Etch adhesive in case of Sensitive Teeth treated with CPP-ACP.. 2013; 1 (1):9-14.

DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1670585

License: NA

Published Online: 08-05-2023

Copyright Statement:  NA


Introduction: The management of dentinal hypersensitivity involves remineralization by various means, one of which being CPP-ACP paste, followed by restoration. It was speculated that the bond strength of self-etching adhesive was affected following the application of CPP-ACP paste and prior etching with phosphoric acid. Aims and objectives: To evaluate the tensile bond strength (TBS) of G-Bond (GB, self-etching adhesive) to dentin following the application of CPP-ACP (Tooth Mousse/TM), with and without prior etching. Materials and method: Freshly extracted forty five permanent molars were collected for the study. All the teeth were ground and polished to expose the flat dentinal surface. The teeth were embedded in the resin in separate molds and were divided into three equal groups of fifteen samples each Group 1: Samples treated with Tooth Mousse for 60 min daily for 7 days and then restored with GB and composite (Filtek Z350, 3M ESPE). Group 2: Samples treated with Tooth Mousse and etched with phosphoric acid prior to restoration with GB and composite. Group3: Samples restored with GB and composite. A split brass mold was placed over the predesigned location and with help of the plasma coated instrument, composite resin was placed. Tensile loading was done using Universal Testing Machine. Conclusion: TBS of GB was not significantly reduced after CPP-ACP application, but after prior etching the CPP-ACP specimens, the bond strength of GB was significantly reduced.

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