Esthetic Rehabilitation of Coronal Fractures of Maxillary Anterior Teeth after Pulpotomy: Report of Cases.
Alpa Gupta, Hans Raj Saini, Jigyasa Duhan
Keywords :
Pulpotomy, Tooth fracture, Esthetic
Citation Information :
Gupta A, Saini HR, Duhan J. Esthetic Rehabilitation of Coronal Fractures of Maxillary Anterior Teeth after Pulpotomy: Report of Cases.. 2013; 1 (3):180-183.
The present case report describes management of two cases with complicated coronal fracture where fractured fragments were reattached, before reattachment of fractured fragments pulpotomy was performed in both cases using different pulpotomy agents, calcium hydroxide in patient with immature apex and mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) in patient where root development was complete. Both the patients were evaluated for sign and symptoms for a period of 18 months with successful outcome.
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