Citation Information :
Bindra SP, Sharma S, Chhabra A, Jindal V, Damanpreet, Nabhi K. Knowledge of Dental Practitioners Towards Emergency Management of Avulsed Tooth in Punjab. 2015; 3 (3):159-164.
Dental avulsion is characterized by the complete displacement of the tooth from its socket, with damage to the periodontal ligament, cementum, alveolar bone, gingival and pulp tissues. The ideal treatment for an avulsed permanent tooth is its immediate replantation into the socket. However, in spite of itsrecognized therapeutic value, clinical experience has shown that immediatereplantation rarely occurs due to factors associated to the accident itself, complex damage to the recipient site, or simply lack of knowledgeor confidence of the general population and even professionals about Replantation procedures. The present study was carried out with an aim to assess the level of knowledge of emergency management of avulsed teeth among 209 Dental practitioners in the state of Punjab. The received questionnaires were analysed for the responses. The data showed that the knowledge of dental practitioners in the state was not up to date and efforts should be made to carry out various education programs for the same.
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