Citation Information :
Bector A, Kaur A, Acharya S, Rajpal S, Awasthi S. Prosthetic Rehabilitation of a 3 Year Old Child with Ectodermal Dysplasia — A Case Report. 2015; 3 (3):174-178.
Ectodermal dysplasia are rare hereditary disorders characterized by abnormal development of certain tissues and structures of ectodermal origin. Children affected need multidisciplinary approach and a removable prosthesis is recommended in initial years of life to prevent bone resorption, improve esthetics, mastication and speech apart from boosting self image. Implants are recommended only once the growth is complete. This case reports hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia with partial anodontia in a 3 year old child, rehabilitated with partial denture in maxillary and complete denture in mandibular arch.
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