Keywords :
GTR, Recession, Pocket, Periodontal Surgery
Citation Information :
Wangoo A, Gulati MS, Slathia B, Kotwal B, Kotwal V. Clinical Evaluation of the Efficacy of Bioresorbable Membrane (Polyglactin 910) in the Treatment of Millers Class II Gingival Recession. 2016; 4 (3):177-182.
Objective: The aim of the study was to determine the clinical outcome when polyglactin 910 membrane was used to treat 30 patients with isolated buccal millers class II gingival recessions.
Materials and Method: Thirty subjects were selected with a chief complaint of hypersensitivity or denuded roots; all were willing to participate in the clinical study. Inclusion criteria were the presence of 4 mm or more of buccal millers class II gingival recession, a lack of contraindications for periodontal surgery.
Results: The mean reduction in clinical recession from baseline to 6 months postoperatively was 2.47 ± 0.86 mm, i.e, 54%, which was statistically significant. There was a definite reduction in Pocket Depth, from a mean at baseline of 1.53 ± 0.63mm to a mean of 1.07 ± 0.26mm at 6 months.
Conclusion: The use of GTR is a suitable alternative to the use of patient's own palatal masticatory mucosa. Polyglactin 910 as a GTR resorbable membrane gives the clinician another tool that provides acceptable root coverage.
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