Dental Journal of Advance Studies

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VOLUME 7 , ISSUE 2 ( May-August, 2019 ) > List of Articles

Original Article

Evaluation of Smile Parameters in Nongrowing Subjects Using Photographs

Mandeep Bhullar, Yagyeshwar Malhotra, Sanjay Mittal, Isha Aggarwal, Divya Singla, Merry Goyal

Keywords : smile parameters, esthetics, buccal corridor

Citation Information : Bhullar M, Malhotra Y, Mittal S, Aggarwal I, Singla D, Goyal M. Evaluation of Smile Parameters in Nongrowing Subjects Using Photographs. 2019; 7 (2):87-94.

DOI: 10.1055/s-0039-1698360

License: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

Published Online: 18-10-2019

Copyright Statement:  © 2019 Bhojia Dental College and Hospital affiliated to Himachal Pradesh University


Introduction An attractive or pleasing smile enhances the acceptance of an individual in the society by improving interpersonal relationships. In this new era of social media, people are more concerned about their smile; hence, smile esthetics has become the primary objective of orthodontic treatment. It is seen that various smile parameters change with age and gender. Aim The aim of the study was to evaluate various smile parameters in nongrowing patients using photographic analysis. Materials and Methods The sample comprised photographs of 50 subjects (8 males, 42 females) taken in natural head position and then divided into two age groups: Group I (25 subjects, aged 18–20 years) and Group II (25 subjects, aged 23–29 years). The various parameters were analyzed using Adobe Photoshop software (version CS 6; Adobe System Inc., California, United States): upper lip and lower lip lengths during rest and smiling, smile index, buccal corridor, upper and lower lip thickness, interlabial gap, incisal display, widest visible maxillary display, and intercommissural width. Results The results showed that lower lip length at rest and smiling, interlabial gap, incisal display, inner commissure width, and widest visible maxillary display were increased, whereas upper lip length both at rest and smiling, upper and lower lip thickness, outer commissure width, smile index, and buccal corridor were decreased with age. Statistically significant sex-related differences were found in upper lip length at rest and lower lip length both at rest and smiling. Conclusion Orthodontic treatment must incorporate various esthetic elements of smile to achieve desirable results.

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