Comparative Assessment of Three Different Orthodontic Brushes in Oral Hygiene Maintenance during Fixed Orthodontic Treatment: An In Vivo Study
Irin Sebastian, Gopikrishnan Santhakumar, Pradeep P George, Biju Kalarickal, Joseph Sebastian, Rahul S Thalanany
Keywords :
Dental plaque, Gingival inflammation, Interdental brush, Orthodontic toothbrush, Sonic power brush
Citation Information :
Sebastian I, Santhakumar G, George PP, Kalarickal B, Sebastian J, Thalanany RS. Comparative Assessment of Three Different Orthodontic Brushes in Oral Hygiene Maintenance during Fixed Orthodontic Treatment: An In Vivo Study. 2024; 12 (3):125-129.
Aims and background: To evaluate the plaque removal and gingival health maintenance efficiency between orthodontic brush, orthodontic brush supplemented with interdental brush and sonic power brush in fixed orthodontic patients.
Materials and methods: Sixty participants undergoing fixed orthodontic therapy were randomly divided into three groups of 20 each. Patients in group I used Colgate® slim soft orthodontic brush, group II used Colgate® slim soft Orthodontic brush supplemented with Colgate® interdental brush, and group III used Colgate® ProClinical 150 Base sonic power brush. Modified Quigley–Hein plaque index and Loe & Silness Gingival index were taken. Assessments were done at baseline, after 3, 6, 9, and 12 weeks of fixed orthodontic treatment. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and Dunnett's post-hoc analysis were used for statistical analysis.
Results: There was a statistically significant reduction of Modified Quigley–Hein plaque and gingival index scores in group I, group II, and group III in each review. When comparing the three groups, the orthodontic brush supplemented with interdental brush and sonic power brush showed a greater reduction in scores than the orthodontic brush group.
Conclusion: Orthodontic brushes supplemented with interdental brush and sonic power brush have a greater reduction in plaque accumulation and gingival inflammation when compared to the orthodontic brush group.
Clinical significance: When comparing the cost-effectiveness, the orthodontic brush supplemented with an interdental brush is definitely a better option than the sonic power brush, because the former which is more economical provides the same oral hygiene maintenance efficiency as the latter.
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