Citation Information :
Biswas B, Singh S, Singh P, Sharma K, Singh DJ. To Evaluate the Efficiency of Demirjian and Cameriere's Methods in Estimating the Age of Children with Mixed Dentition in Kolkata. 2024; 12 (3):141-144.
Background: As part of the criminal justice system, forensic odontology and forensic dentistry bring dental expertise to bear on cases involving civil and criminal law enforcement. This area of forensic science is both the most exciting and least researched. Contemporary forensic odontology encompasses three crucial domains. Injury to the jaws, oral tissues, and teeth from any source must first be evaluated and examined. The second reason is that we want to look at the markings in the hope of identifying or eliminating a suspect as the predator. Thirdly, identifying dental artifacts may require analyzing either partial or whole dentition, which includes all forms of dental restoration.
Aim: To determine the best method for age estimation among (Demirjian and Cameriere's) for age estimation in children of mixed dentition.
Methodology: Participants’ ages ranged from 6 to 15 years, and they were chosen at random for the study. Prior to the investigative technique, informed consent was acquired. The study utilized orthopantomographs, which were analyzed using the GIMP 2.10 tool. Using orthopantomographs, Demirjian's approach, and Cameriere's method, the dental age was ascertained.
Results: The mean difference from the actual age was higher in the Demirjian method as compared to the Cameriere method. This shows the Cameriere method to be better as compared to Demirjian method.
Conclusion: The level of accuracy achieved by the Cameriere's method is more than that achieved by the Demirjian method.
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