Citation Information :
Tarnach C, Sikri J, Singh A, Menrai N, Bhargav G, Singh G. Reimplantation of an Avulsed Tooth with Extra-oral Dry Time More Than 12 Hours: A Case Report. 2024; 12 (3):168-172.
Background: Avulsions, which are most frequently observed in the top front teeth, are among the most severe dental injuries. A excellent prognosis is achieved with immediate transplantation of the avulsed tooth, albeit this may not always be feasible.
Case study report: The current case illustrates the 1-year follow-up following the delayed (after 16 hours) replantation of a traumatized maxillary central incisor that had been avulsed.
Clinical implications and conclusion: In order to preserve the alveolar bone and assist the patient psychologically, delayed replantation of an avulsed tooth may be a good option to prosthesis. Additionally, initiatives should be taken to inform and educate the public on the care of avulsed teeth at accident scenes and dentist offices.
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